December 15, 2011

My New Artist Statement

My dear friend Day Burns has been gifted with a talent for writing that I can not come close to approaching.  She graciously accepted my plea to rewrite my pitiful artist statement.  I am in awe of the beautiful words she wrote that capture precisely what I feel when I paint.  A huge thanks to my wonderful friend!!!!

I am an artist because I can be nothing else and still maintain the integrity of my heart.  My art is my story of love and gratitude for my Creator.  Every color represents a divine experience, every brush stroke a soft intervening whisper, every line a path directed, every drop of paint a grateful tear shed, every contrast a praise rejecting the lies and moving further into His Light.  When I am painting I see glimpses into who I am created to be.  I feel an invitation to be the best possible version of myself being called out from my soul.  Striving ceases and peace surrounds me like a warm blanket.  I accept that I am a work in progress, a great masterpiece full of bursting colors and expressions of my love for the Creator.  The Master is adding His finishing touches.  I see myself the way that He sees me.   He speaks life, truth, and affirmations into my soul.  I am fully alive.  Free.  Why does an author share her story?  Why does a vocalist share her song?  Why does a painter share her art?  It is the beauty of the Lord within each of us that begs to call out the beauty He has created in others.  Beauty unlocks beauty, deep calls to deep.  We all have captivating beauty to share, a gift the Lord has hidden inside that creates a deep longing when it is not expressed.  When I am painting it feels like I am looking through the Creator’s eyes to see the world as He sees it.  It’s like He is inviting me to tell His story.  I am so honored to be asked to even try.  Through His eyes, every person has beauty, all of nature sways in worship, and hope sings of a great story that has no ending.  I paint because I need to tell the story that the Lord is writing in my heart.  I share my paintings because I want to invite you to share the story that the Creator is writing in yours. 

"What would it be like if you lived each day, each breath, as a work of art in progress? Imagine that you are a Masterpiece unfolding, every second of every day, a work of art taking form with every breath." ~ Thomas Crum