August 15, 2010

Sunday Morning Paintings

I am doing a new series of paintings for my church (Fellowship of Christians).  I am painting them during the service.  I have a new theme for each week.  It has been a wonderful atmosphere for painting.  It is a bit hard on my perfectionism because I have to sort of let go and be in the moment.  The paintings aren't perfect, but they have an honesty and rawness about them that is nice I think. 

The first week's message was about "Relationship".

Today's message was "A Prophetic People".  My oldest son Nathan gave me the idea for it.

Next week's theme is "The Gospel".


  1. Love this first one. We are doing prophetic art at our congregation as well. Wonderful to find your blog!

  2. The way you capture the light and texture of the canvas is truly inspiring. Keep up the amazing work! social media marketing services in gwalior
